Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The structure of the ant colony is simple.  There's the Queen that lays the eggs, the soldier ants that protect the mud gates and the worker ants that search for the food. 

Humans, we think, are like ants. They have roles. Teachers, lawyers, engineers, artists amongst others.

Good thing for the ants, they know what they are by the time they are hatched.

My point a way, EDUCATION and peer pressure obscures our view of what we really are. The history of education reveals that its purpose is to prepare students in becoming great employees to work in factories.  Education is the solution of the US Federal governments from the time the economy is shifted from Agriculture to operating Factories.  That is why maybe, people are supposed to be unhappy in their jobs because getting a job is really not a good thing but is far better than dying in starvation. 

Passion is for the idealistic. Job is realistic. Marry the two and that may stop the Monday blues and the everyday morning sickness. Just get a job that is closest to your passion.

No Excuses

If you can't conquer it, ignore it.  So they say.

I remember when I was preparing for the board exam. I said to myself, this is useless... In real life, if I encounter these questions, I could easily google it on the internet.  This exam is very objective and it really doesn't measure the skills of a person.

Well, we could say all we want... We could try to convince ourselves that such things aren't suppose to be there.  But I think this is not the right attitude in job hunting. We cannot ignore the facts that employers put a weight on job interviews. Employers hire people who they like to work with...and many people these days are skilled and likeable and we are competing against them.

No more excuses.

We get Better, or Not

Throw yourself in the water and you'll learn to swim...or drown.

No one really knows job hunting better than the ones doing it.  Learning to do the task is not really optional, it's given.  When you walk out from a disastrous job interview, you curse yourself...Why did I say that?, I normally tell myself.  That's a pretty hard question, why I haven't thought an answer for that?

I would be lying if I say that reading some interview questions and preparing scares me more. Everytime I come across difficult questions, I focus my attention to them. Will my interview be really this difficult?  

The scary part of the job hunting process is that, while you get better at this, your options really gets slimmer. Or you'll think that you might want to give up, but fact is you can't. We need the job. You think you'll drown but you can't.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pea Shooter to the Rescue

Looking for a job is frustrating. Sometimes, when I watch tv, eat lunch or take a nap... my mind just get clouded with thoughts of my job hunting, my frustrations and disappointments... It just eats up my energy... The uncertainty, questions like "what if I still don't have a job after 2 months...or 6 months...1 year...never"...

It's hard...really.

So, as a diversion... I resort to the Pea Shooter... I play Plants vs Zombies. In this game, I simulate success in a way. Frustrations never... In this game, especially in the survival game, I fail but I know what to do next... and I have endless opportunities to make up for mistakes... In interviews and job application, it's hard to make a mistake because you'll be loosing a precious job opportunity...

So, this is a nice break for me...Thanks Pea Shooter!

P.S. I don't play it in long hours çoz I still say it's a waste of time.

An IT job post

This is an interesting post for an IT position....

Software Developer Positions Open

[php]class job_opening extends CObject{

Create(AnApplicant CApplicant){
//Validate AnApplicant

if AnApplicant.HasAttributes([
and AnApplicant.University Degree in ([
Computer Science,
Computer Engineering,
Other Computer Programming Intensive Courses
( Willing to travel abroad = 'Yes')
( Willing to work for a CMM level 5 Company = 'Yes')

Our company is one of the first to be rated the
in South East Asia by the Software Engineering Institute.
SW-CMM is a model for judging the maturity of the software
processes of an organization, developed by the software
community under the stewardship of SEI.

SEI is a research and development center sponsored
by the US Department of Defense and operated
by Carnegie Mellon University.

SW-CMM has become the de facto standard
for assessing and improving
software processes worldwide.

Only around 1.5% of software companies
throughout the world have attained this level.
Among these are renowned companies like
Boeing Defense and Space Group,
Motorola, Infosys Technologies Ltd.,
Tata Consultancy Services, NASA,
and Lockheed Martin Mission Systems.
Assert(AnApplicant.Resume != Null ,
'Please Send Comprehensive Resume.');

Assert(AnApplicant.Transcript != Null ,
'Please Send Transcript of Records');

Assert(AnApplicant.Rating = Excellent ,

'We only get the best!');

'Mailing Address:',
'Subject: Software Developer Position',
//Raise Exception
ShowMessageBox(Format(' If you understand the above lines,'+
' then you may be one of us. You Know'+
' what to do, %s ', AnApplicant.Name));
} //end create ...

} // end class job_opening

void main()

Slots job_opening[25]

for (I; I<25; I++)

Slot[i] := new job_opening.Create(You);


Clueless ? If you know someone who isn't and he is looking for a job, then refer him to us. (drop us an email at

You will be rewarded on his acceptance.


This is a new word for me. says,
cha·grin   (shə-grĭn') 
n. A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event: To her chagrin, the party ended just as she arrived. 

cha·grin   (shə-grĭn')  

–verb (used with object) to vex by disappointment or humiliation: The rejection of his proposal chagrined him deeply. 

 I think this captures what a job seeker like me sometimes feel. Often, it's embarrassing to colleagues to have no job. One time, I asked a batchmate for a referral. I got the interview but failed disastrously. It was really embarrassing. Now people, friends, batchmates are meeting up while I am not showing up in these get-together... I was wondering sometimes if they talk about me... if they pity me...if their image of me in their minds have lost luster...

Maybe it's just but vanity that I think of these things. But the emotion of chagrin is there and I really can't do anything about it. I was performing well in the past, and I really felt that I am at the rock bottom this time. But I think I'm getting used to it. Too bad, my ego is hurting really bad.

I gave up yesterday

I thought I have given up job hunting yesterday. I am planning of going to the province and helping out in the family business.

San Miguel Food Packaging called me up last Wednesday for an exam and job interview.  Night before that, I found out that I did not pass my job interview in a company that I really like. So, when it's time to wake up... I just didn't...My body and my eyelids are just too heavy...I stood up my exam and interview... this was my first time..In all sense, I have given up.

So I thought... but now, I think I'm up and running. Next time, I should handle failure more gracefully and fast.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Too Bad...

It hurts a lot to fail a job interview. No kidding.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lost and found

Supposedly, a 3,000 pesos savings could still support me until if ever I get a job within the next two months. Unfortunately, I just lost my wallet, with all my money in it along with my ATM cards. I swear I felt that this time, I have lost everything (although it's obvious I haven't lost any).

It's raining today. And I try to keep a fast and steady pace. I have observed that people who walk slowly don't know where to go next. Walking speed is directly proportional to how sure you are that you will be in a certain place. I just lost my money and I don't wanna look at lost. I managed to continue to where I am headed, and asked instead for some details and successfully made a plan for tomorrow. I went home, fearing of contacting leptospirosis from walking across the street entirely sunked in flood, just above the ankle deep.

When I passed by the church, I thought of making a visit. It's dark and with only few incandescent lights flooding the altar, like rain accumulated in water paddies. I thought of the money I have lost . Serously, I thought it's just a small amount. If I'm going to make it for another 10 years, it would only buy me a 3-day meal. But I sat there, and I had goosebumps. Tears fell down from my eyes. No, the money is not worth my tears. I just recalled my recent interview. Oh rejection, how could I ever have a grace. The sad thing is that, you never you loose hope in circumstances such as these, you keep expecting, until time tells you what you already know. It's you that is betraying yourself.

I washed my tears. I rested my head on my bag, on my lap and maybe because of exhaustion, I fell into a shallow sleep, or a deep one. Sleep is the best theraphy, I think. You forget things and sometimes, you wake up feeling rested.  I woke up when I heard people leaving through the doorway. It took me awhile to make sense of where I was. I stood up and there, slowly I gained pace, steady, brisk walk, knowing but not knowing where to go next.